Pretty good
I can see that being an intro to a show, where the credits are the show-title and all that, course you'd need a larger premise to go on to make a whole show's worth of animation and stuff. Pretty tight animation overall though.
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Pretty good
I can see that being an intro to a show, where the credits are the show-title and all that, course you'd need a larger premise to go on to make a whole show's worth of animation and stuff. Pretty tight animation overall though.
You can draw fairly decently, however you have no sense of proper timing or the basic physics of motion. Also, No. Tweens. They suck ass.
I've submitted a post about the timing in Newsgrounds portal already. The timing seemed to work on my computer but once uploaded it went completely astray. Any ideas? Whats wrong with tweens?
Nice ^^
your friend told me to click the thing you told me not to click, and I said no o.0 and he said click it, so I clicked it and....
You spelt silly wrong o.o
Age 38, Female
I'm STALKING yoooou
Joined on 2/4/05